Results 30 items (0.129 seconds) |
List of items | Last update |
Improve your English listening skills quickly with digital teacher ... Img Keen listening will definitely improve your speaking and pronunciation with our ... | 27-08 16:59 |
Learn the basics of English grammar in this language lab guide. Img Topics covered include parts of speech, sentence structure, tenses, subject-verb ... | 27-08 16:51 |
CEFR Reference Img The CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) is an international ... | 27-08 16:16 |
what is Language Lab Img Digital language lab in Hyderabad is a product of Digital Teacher; the software ... | 26-08 18:38 |
English Language Lab Introduction Img English language lab has been designed & developed to address the listening, ... | 26-08 18:29 |
Find English Language Lab service provider in Hyderabad. Img English language lab is the software which enhances the skills of a student, ... | 26-08 18:10 |
Phonetic Sounds and Syllables With English Language Lab Software Img Detailed Exploration of Phonetic Sounds and Syllables While learning the English ... | 23-08 15:48 |
Top 9 Life Skills for School Students Using Digital Language Lab Software. Img Thank you for following along on how we get through important life skills for ... | 16-08 10:03 |
Top 19 Life Skills for Students Using English Language Lab Software Img In today’s changing life, as well as where skills are as important as the process ... | 07-08 12:03 |
Why Students Need Language Laboratory Software in Schools or Colleges Img Find out why Language Laboratory Software is important for schools as well as ... | 30-07 16:06 |
Language Lab Software: Offline or Online, Which is Better? Img Learn why offline language lab software is useful for learning English. The English ... | 30-07 15:06 |
Best Interactive English Language Lab Software: Internet is Not Required Img Find the top interactive English language lab software without the internet. ... | 26-07 14:39 |
What is English Language Laboratory? Img Read the definition of an English language lab and how Language Lab software ... | 26-07 13:38 |
The Role and Importance of the English Language in India Img Learn the importance of the English language in India, and how it benefits social ... | 26-07 12:32 |
What Are the Top 5 Soft Skills? Why, and How to Develop Them? Img Improve your soft skills for a successful career. Learn how attitude, habits, and ... | 24-07 17:47 |
English Language Lab: A Powerful Language Learning Tool! Img English Language Lab is a powerful software uses that allows students to develop ... | 24-07 16:30 |
Learn LSRW Skills Easily With English Language Lab Software Improve your students English LSRW skills using Digital Teacher's all-in-one ... | 24-07 15:13 |
English Language Lab Software for Schools, Colleges, and Institutes Img With Digital language lab Software, school and college students can quickly grasp ... | 23-07 17:17 |
What is a Digital English Language Lab? Img Find how the Digital English Language Lab improves student engagement and ... | 23-07 15:57 |
Best Interactive English Language Lab Software: Internet is Not Required Img Are You Trying to Find the Best Internet-Free Interactive English Language Lab ... | 10-06 15:05 |
Best English Language Laboratory Software -Digital Teacher Img Do you struggle in learning the English language? Whether you’re a student looking ... | 10-06 15:02 |
Language Lab Software: Definition, Types, Features Pdf & How It Works? Img These days, the English language is important. Schools teach English from the first ... | 10-06 14:58 |
What is a Digital English Language Lab? Img In every school, Teachers try to prepare their students for the future by enhancing ... | 06-06 14:17 |
What is a Language Lab? and Its Digital Language Lab Components Img With the help of English language lab software, attentive listening will enhance ... | 27-03 17:50 |
Top 6 Ways to Improve Your English Language Skills Img Digital Teacher English Language Lab offers a thorough glossary of common ... | 18-03 11:48 |
Digital Language Lab Software Role in India Img Learning English is important however you have the opportunity to do that at ... | 13-03 15:03 |
The Modern Language Lab – Digital Teacher Img Mentor Module and Interactive Mentee Module The digital teacher’s modern Language ... | 13-03 13:16 |
What is English Language Laboratory Img There are two primary labs at school: one for science and the other for English ... | 13-03 12:00 |
The Role and Importance of the English Language in India Img Hello to every one of you! We are going to learn the role and importance of the ... | 26-02 18:32 |
English Language Learning Software: Digital Language Lab for Beginners Img Hello language learners, today I would want to talk about learning English! The ... | 09-02 15:51 |